Every Alaskan Baby Deserves to Have a Clean Diaper.

Our mission

Supporting Alaskan Families with Diaper Need

According to The National Diaper Bank Network, “One in three U.S. families struggles to provide enough diapers to keep a baby or toddler clean, dry, and healthy.” Public assistance such as Food Stamps or WIC do not cover fees for diapers or wipes. Diapers and wipes are expensive and can cause financial strain for under-employed families and prohibit a family from becoming fiscally self-sufficient. When a family does not have the means to purchase diapers, a child may spend extended periods of time in a soiled diaper, leading to discomfort and health problems. Additionally, most childcare centers require clean disposable diapers for babies and toddlers to attend its program.

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Our story

In 2021 AAS realized there was a need in the community that was not being met. While working with expectant parents and mothers we learned the financial stress it was causing families.  We also learned that diapers are not covered by public assistance and how a lack of diapers could lead to severe medical and mental health issues for infants and toddlers, but also their parents.

A Program of Alaska Adoption Services

We started by providing diapers twice a month in our old office downtown. As more families accessed the pantry, we realized how great the need was in our community. We did some research and saw other states were operating mobile diaper pantries to reach those experiencing diaper need and our dream of having a mobile diaper pantry began.  We were able to purchase a van and expand our services to once a week, at a community location, to make it easier for families to access the service. Families are now able to come once a month and receive 50 diapers per child and a package of wipes.

Diapers provided for
Alaskan Families in need

Your Support Matters!

We are always looking for donations of diapers, wipes, formula, baby shampoo and lotion, and/or cash donations to help fund the diaper pantry.

Please contact us at diaperpantry@alaskaadoptionservices.org to discuss ways you can help!

You can also check out our Amazon Wish List and Target Wish List.

Our partners

We couldn’t do what we do without the generous support from our community partners